ISA 2024 年度國際會議將為參與者提供一個與其他樹藝學和都市林專業人士交流學習的平台。由來自各國的產業領袖主持,活動包括一系列的專題演講和分組教育會議,將深入分享他們對研究、實踐和技術的想法和看法。
誠邀您加入我們,一起慶祝專業成長的 100 週年,並向我們的成員和持證者致敬。
The ISA 2024 Annual International Conference offers a forum for participants to learn and network with others in the arboriculture and urban forestry profession. This event provides a lineup of keynote speakers and educational breakout sessions led by industry leaders from around the globe, sharing their thoughts and views about research, practice, and technology.
We invite you to join us as we celebrate 100 years of professional growth and honor the contributions of our members and credential holders.